As Grappt is a network with several internal links,
please use this guides to create your basic applications. You will be guided step by step.
Generally all
lead to the described page by "Click". (Navigation bar arrow , takes you back to the guide to start next page being filled )
Announce yourself in your highest security level (Code Blue or higher).
Book the feature "Emergency Pages" by activating the check box (make sure that there are enough Grapps on your account) and confirm with
(As you see it costs: 1000Grapps for one year)
Current Book Value shows the amount of Grapps, you can buy in our shop to book the selected features. Grapps are booked on your account immedialtely, so you can go on:
Next, give in your "personal settings" into "My Grappt" and with a hook, mark your choice of which information of “Transfer of Emergency Data”,shall be liable.
Confirm these entries of your emergency data with your actual password and
(If wished, you can also add " add new emergency data". For family members, persons with special care needs, housepets, or the return address of lost QR-Codes. These are all individually adjustable on new emergency pages.)
„My Emergency Data“ takes you to the entry page with your already synchronised personal details.
With special medical needs, give in information which are important for the first person to know about. (The blood group is unimportant! Allergies, medication and long-term illnesses are very important). Make sure then, that the emergency information is legible and to the point and does not resemble a novel!
You can upload under „Emergency documents“, the documentation of your patient instructions, your organ donation identity card, your allergy records, your blood circulation details. With the entry of these details you can yourself choose the most meaningful "description". When everything has been given in, please
You can as you wish, add still a favourite number of Emergency Contact Persons oder ECP Data :
Here, you can submit Emergency Contact Persons. Give in your relationship to the person, and at "Remarks" enter their Status. (e.g. Custodian of the original patient instructions)
Here, you can enter each of your personal vehicles with make of e.g. car, the numberplate, Data sheet for the Rescue (look for the document papers for your vehicle, copy and attach as PDF-data), vehicle registration, Insurance documents etc. and give in as a document or a link. (Tipp: Fix an additional paperprint of the data sheet under the sun visor of your vehicle on drivers side)
Under „Emergency Pages build/revise“ you can compile "your emergency page":
Emergency Data: My Emergency Data
ECP-Data: (if entered)
Further documents: (additional to vehicle and medical documents)
In Manage Emergency Pages , you can assign by ticking any number of contact persons.
(Only after "Clicking-on", your submitted entries are activated)!
shows you, what is visible when calling up your Emergency page. (Check all icons by "Click"...)
Now order "Your" Emergency QR-Code-carrier in our shop. (Payment via Pay-Pal). As soon as it´s sent from our shop, your QR-Code carrier is automatically registered upon your Grappt-account.
Choose activation on My QR-Codes for codes you have already bought elsewhere.
Under QR-Code Administration you can give your QR Code a title...
...and link one of your QR-Code carriers with your Emergency Page, by ticking the box in Manage Emergency Pages . (Of course, each code can link only one Emergency Page at the same time, but it´s easy to change the link by changing one hook! But one Emergency Page can be target of any number of QR-Codes)