Requirement: Grappt Registration
Grappt ist extensively networked!
To set up the standard applications, use of the Input help\Quickguide is recommended!
Please follow the textlinks (
) in the Quickguides very carefully.
lead always through with a 'Click' to your desired page.(Navigation bar above left, leads back to the Input help after completion).
As registered user of Grappt (Green Field) you can book Code Blue. Over the Security Area-Login or the call up of a protected access page of Grappt, you land in the Login Area: on "Booking" or directly on "Bookings" and the booking overview appears.
Mark with a tick in the box at Code Blue (and also other features !). Current Book Value shows the amount of Grapps, you can buy in our shop to book the selected features.
Then and it´s finished,
Code Blue is booked and can be individually designed.
(Regular costs: 1000 Grapps = 10€ per year, or less...)!
"Personal Settings" and all entry data are now protected, for in order to be able to call them up or change them, you will now need your
"Security area-Login" or the call-up of any protected access page of Grappt takes you now to the Login-Area with Login request:
"Code request"
The Grappt Code will be deposited at the sent E-mail address at "Personal Settings" (the E-mail address can be changed at any time only by you).
Recall E-mail and Grappt Code (with Ctrl / C) copy:
and insert..... ( with Ctrl/V) oder type in...
"Confirm Log-in" (verifiy) and it is done!
Code Blue stays aktiv, as long you determined in
My Grappt/Security Settings .(Pre-Set: 30 minutes!)
Tipp: To stay logged in longer, enter up to 240 minutes. (Beware to do so on foreign machines, as acces to your actual security levels would be possible to any further user of the PC, even when Grappt site has been closed! Remember to "log out")
If Grappt detects “unusual activity” (potential attacks, too many queries, etc.), security areas are automatically logged out or your current session is terminated for your protection.
If you have forgotten to log out on a “third-party device or have lost your mobile device, you can use our ‘Remote Logout’. Log in on any device and log out on all browsers or end devices by “remote control”.