In close colaboration with emergency physicians and fireworkers our Emergency QR was developed for you.
  various data is to be managed as content of your Emergency Pages and can be assigned in any number to different QR-Code-carriers.
Once built on pages can actually be changed and be assigned for new via Smartphone or PC. (e.g. the key chains QR-carrier can be assingned to the Emergency Page of the current car driver).
If your children have grown up, you may assign your daughters QR-Code to your turtle... :)
 In case of loss of a QR-Code-carrier all medical data and emergency contacts con be deactivated easily and you can assign the current adress to receive back the lost item (e.g. holliday resort, phone number...). Even a reward to raise the motivation of a finder to return item.
After the scan with a standard-QR-Code-reader-App of your smartphone, a direct link to your preselected data will be built-on.
 Adress data (Your name and adress for the first-aider. In case of loss of a QR-Code-carrier the adress for return code plate... may be including the attached housepet!).
 Emergency Contact Data (To inform your selected persons in case of emergency). If your contact agrees, automatic alignement of his data is given, as soon there was any change of data on his Grappt-account.

 Medical Emergency Data (Allergies, drugs, illnesses, medical specifics...)
- Medical dokuments (Organ donor card, allergy pass, vaccination card, patient decree or legal guardianship including the advice to bearer of the original document...)

 Vehicles rescue sheets (At the ignition key of yor car, to instruct firemen about life-saving measures to take you out of danger)
 You can transfer your Emergency Data per click to "foreign" QR-carriers, that e.g. the key chain of a lented vehicle tells the story of your emergency data in case of an accident.

A "Scan Protector" (Cover plate for your QR-Codes) prevents your data of beeng spied quite effectively but nevertheless enables access to your data for the helping, without wasting any time.