"More than just a name and date of death!"
Enter the information you are sure you know about a deceased person in the Genealogy section of Green Field into the "Person Directory". (Personally known information or tombstone contents).
Dates you are not sure of, please do not enter.
When entering country of birth and country of death, please remember that many country names no longer exist today! (e.g. DDR, East Prussia, Yugoslavia...) These are marked in the country selection with (H). If you are not sure about the country selection, the Wiki link https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategorie:Historischer_Staat_nach_Kontinent gives a good help. "New" old countries you can use for the selection list in Messenger under: "Grappt", conversation subject "New Old Countries" feel free to submit.
Then please click on "Search".
Check in the "Search result" if the person has already been entered in Grappt. Person details tell you even more precisely whether your deceased already exists in the database.
If the deceased person is not yet known to Grappt, then you can save their master data to our database by clicking "Submit".
As the first submitter, you become the administrator of that person and can complete the person details and will also be asked if other Grappt users want to add data about the person.
You yourself can set up a memorial page for the accessed deceased at any time in the "Personal Data Details" and will be asked before another user is allowed to set up a memorial page for the deceased.
"My" deceased has already been entered by another user !!!
This is possible and also desired! Historically interested people can archive e.g. whole cemeteries or monuments to preserve them for posterity. However, if you have a closer connection to the deceased person, you can always contact the current administrator.
- A "Takeover Request" or a "Book Memorial Page" on the "Person Details" page, sends a direct message to the current administrator of the deceased person. The takeover takes place immediately with the approval of the current administrator or automatically after a few weeks of "inactivity" on the part of the administrator.
- If the current administrator has booked a "memorial page" because the deceased person is also important to him, the takeover is only possible at the expiry of the memorial page booking! Contact the current administrator simply by clicking the messenger icon on the deceased page with the "person details".
Insertion of grave pictures
One grave image per deceased can be uploaded to the "Person Details" free of charge. Files (grave images, graphics, etc.) that the contributor brings to one of our genealogy pages, will be subject to a free and open license (unless the contribution is in the public domain).
When entering data, the contributor is responsible for compliance with copyright regulations.
From a GPS photo the geo-coordinates are automatically read and marked on a map in the memorial page.
If you wanted to document the exact location of a grave, the GPS function of your camera or smartphone must be activated when the picture is taken (check setting on device).
For images without a GPS signature, the geocoordinates can also be entered manually as longitude / latitude in the "Memorial page management".